Milresh : Latent Relational Search Engine
About Milresh :
Milresh was a latent relational search engine developed at Ishizuka Lab, The University of Tokyo. It was online from May 2011 to October 2012. In November 2012, it went offline due to lack of financial support.
You can find some useful resources which were created in the Milresh project below.
Demo videos
Miv Corpus : Corpus for evaluating latent relational search engines (note: the 'webpages' folder is not available because it is too large for this host. Please crawl the pages yourself using the URL list)
More information about Latent Relational Search :
click here
Papers on Milresh:
TALIP article (pdf (draft), DOI), AAAI 2011 paper (Abstract + pdf), WI 2010 paper (pdf), more ...
(C) 2012 by Duc,